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Personal Finance

Coronavirus Impact

Business Insights

Section 1

Personal Finance

As students become integrated into society, their responsibilities grow with each passing year. From managing rigorous schedules to overcoming exceedingly difficult academic challenges, students already have a lot on their plate, but once they join the real world, another area of life demands their attention. Intimidating responsibilities such as managing credit score and investing in the stock market daunt the new members of the adult world. How does one prepare for this crucial aspect of adulthood?

"Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant." --P.T. Barnum

Section 2

Coronavirus Impact

The global pandemic isolated individuals from society and destroyed economic and financial infrastructure. Both big business and small businesses were affected, but to what degree? Additionally, how did our community respond to this permanent change in the world?

"The price of US oil has turned negative for the first time in history." --The BBC

Section 3

Business Insights

As age no longer becomes a barrier to success, students are taking the initiative to positively impact the world through their own businesses and organizations. From non-profit organizations to determined startups, students throughout our community hope to change the world through their innovative dreams.

A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them. --Henry Kravis


bear market

A market in which  many stocks decline in value

MArket Capitalization

Total dollar market  value of a company’s outstanding shares of stock


A measure of  volatility of a security relative to the market as a whole

Mortagage Interest

The interest charged  on a loan to buy a property


A market in which  many stocks increase in value


A group of the 13  major-oil exporting countries that coordinate petroleum policies and  production

Cash Flow

The amount of cash  (cash-equivalents) being transferred in and out of a company

Operating Margin

Measures how much  money a company makes on a dollar of sales


A digital form of  money which is impossible to counterfeit

Supply and Demand

The laws that  determine the market prices and volume of goods traded

Debt-t0-Equity Ratio

A financial metric  used to measure how much a company finances its operations through debt and  through equity

supply chains

A network between a  company and its suppliers to produce a final product


The main stock index  that tracks the 30 largest companies trading on the NASDAQ or New York Stock  Exchange


The doctrine that  actions are right if they are useful or beneficial for the majority

EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)

Measure of a  company's overall financial performance and is used as an alternative to net  income


Measures the  dispersion of returns for a security index (range of change)


A financial metric  which indicates a company’s potential profitability

War Bond

a debt security issued by a government to finance military operations during times of war or conflict. Because war bonds offered a rate of return below the market rate, investment was achieved by making emotional appeals to patriotic citizens to lend the government money.

Financial Literacy

The ability to  understand and utilize financial skills in a real world setting


A report filed  annually by a publicly traded company about its financial performance;  reported to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)


Decline of purchasing  power of a unit of currency


A report filed  quarterly by a publicly traded company about its financial performance;  reported to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)

Interest Rate

The amount a lender charges for the use of assets; typically denoted as a percentage

52-week high

The highest price at  which a security has traded during a one year time period

Junk Bond

bonds that carry a higher risk of default than most bonds issued by corporations and governments.

183-day rule

RUle used by most countries to determine if someone should be considered a resident for tax purposes

Source: Investopedia