The Lion's Share is an out-of-school extracurricular activity that works independently from the St. Mark's School of Texas journalism program. In the first half of the year, staff members pitch story ideas, hold interviews, and write and edit stories. Then, the majority of the design process occurs late in the year. This publication is submitted annually for evaluation to the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA).
The Lion's Share website is hand coded using html. The staff used Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop 2021 on 27-inch Retina 5K Display iMacs and personal computers to design the spreads. Typefaces include Gilroy Serif Font for headlines; Perpetua MT for spread titles; Roboto Slab for drop headings; Inconsolata for subheadings; and Quasimodo for body text.
Our utmost gratitude goes to Mr. Harrison Tassapolous, our amazing faculty advisor, and Ray Westbrook, our terrific journalism advisor.